domingo, 8 de junio de 2014


My critique.
The firs that I would like to comment it’s the planes in the film. I only see one movie like “Atonements” , in the last summer I began to see a movie “The Shining” when the movie finished, I was thinking “I will never return to see a movie as this one” then, I saw “Atonemets” the first plane in “The Shining” was a general descriptive plane of a mountains, it sayed all about the movie. In “Atonements” the first plane was a detail plane of a toy’s house, different planes but one thing in commun, the sensation that there movies have produced in me.

The movie present a pretty (or terrible) history, stocks on the novel of Ian McEwan, the director Joe Wright takes us to the second world war where in a house of a rich family Robbie lives, fallen in love of him, the girl, Briony tells us the history from her perspective .Then, when Briony saw Robbie and Cecilia fallen in love, Briony will accuse Robbie of rape a girl.

Robbie will select to go with the english army, he will die a day before of come back to England, and Cecilia will die in a bombardment.

But Briony has turned into a famous writer, she finished with the romance between Robbie and Cecilia, and she wrote in her novel an alternative end whose end is To return to join Robbie and Cecilia.

I think that the director Joe Wright has been the most important person to do this movie.

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